Friday 12 March 2010

TAST 2010 - knotted loop stitch

Here's this week's TAST sample - knotted loop stitch:

(click on photo for bigger image)

This was another new stitch for me. It is loop stitch with an added buttonhole stitch, but I had to work a row in loop stitch first, before I could see the difference! I played around with the spacing, and the length of the "legs".

The green row across the bottom, decorated with orange buttonhole stitch, is loop stitch. All the other rows are knotted loop stitch.

To find out all about TAST 2010 click


  1. I didn't really like stitching this stitch but looking at your work I think I didn't find the right thread. What threads did you use in this piece?

  2. Carolyn, I used crewel wool and cotton perle. Partly because I was working on coarse evenweave linen, and partly because I found this stitch worked up better in thicker thread.


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